Sophie you are two months old. Ok, technically 2.5 months old but seeing as how I haven't even done your one month post lets not get hung up on technicalities. And perhaps one day I will come back and add pictures actually taken on my camera. For now these will have to do.

You are so sweet and smile all the time. You do get very upset when you're tired. It's my fault. I trained you to sleep in your crib and you prefer that. Speaking of sleep, you're a rock star. Since 5 weeks you have slept from 10-7; at 9 weeks you slept 9-7; and just this week you started 7-7. Thank you! The last few weeks the 45 minute intruder has tried to ruin our nap time. We're staying strong though and working through it. :)
You had been taking 6-4oz bottles but now that you are taking 5 bottles some are 4oz and some are 5oz. You like to eat!
You wear size 0-3m clothes and a few 3m things. You wear a size 1 diaper.

You are 80% for weight, 60% for height, and 45% for head. These measurements aren't completely accurate because they are as of 2.5 months. We'll have a better idea of how you really measure up at your 4 month appointment.
You have acid reflux but for the last month you've been taking Prevacid which seems to help.
You love to play. You like to be flat on your back playing with toys hanging from your play mat. You also love when people talk to you. You want lots of attention and since you're so cute you get it.

You talk all the time. You really like to talk right before nap or bedtime. You are so sweet to listen to. You are starting to spit and blow spit bubbles. Not very lady-like but we'll work on it!

Besides your voice you've discovered your tongue, hands, feet, and my hair. Please stop pulling it. It hurts mommy.
You sure are a sweet addition to our family. We all adore you, even Sadie. Hard to remember what life was like before you. So thankful you are our little girl. We love you!