Josh and I had a great Thanksgiving holiday. We had planned a while back that we would spend the day with his family instead of traveling around trying to see everyone. When I woke up on Thanksgiving morning I knew I had a LOT to be thankful for. The first thing I did was this...

...listened to Sadie's heartbeat. I am so blessed to have a friend who offered to let me use her Doppler during this pregnancy. It has been so much fun. I can listen to Sadie any time I want to. The first time I tried I couldn't find her
HB and was a
nervous wreck. Apparently I was looking in the wrong place. Since then I haven't had any problems.

Our first stop before arriving at Josh's grandparent's house was at Cracker Barrel. Isn't that what every normal person does on Thanksgiving morning? Eat a big breakfast first? Well we
didn't exactly eat a big breakfast but it was good. And of course Josh made me a flower. It's what he does. After breakfast we headed to see Josh's family and spend the day with them.

Josh LOVES kids and he really loves his cousin's kids. This is Tillman. He has the best hair EVER (well he's tied with

Josh's Aunt Darlene (his mom's sister) with all of her family.

Josh with his mom, sister, and his sister's boyfriend. Sorry the picture is bad. I had to zoom from where I was sitting because I was too lazy to stand. :)

Josh with his sweet Papa. I must say that Josh's Papa is one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. I guarantee there isn't a person out there who has anything bad to say about him. He reminds me a lot of my Papa who passed away several years ago. I think that's why I've grown so fond of him.

Josh's cousin Logan with his fiance Crystal. They are getting married in a few weeks at Mt. Magazine, which is where Josh and I got married. I can't wait to go back up there.

Josh's cousin Ashley and his girlfriend Sarah. And of course Camden (he belongs to Nathan and

Camden loves his baby
Emersyn. I happen to think she's pretty great myself.

It was so fun being around
Emersyn because she'll turn 1 on Sadie's due date. So assuming Sadie is born around her due date she'll be this age next Thanksgiving. It's such a fun and cute age.

Josh was getting his practice in. I think being around
Emersyn made us even more excited to meet Sadie.
Like I said before Josh and I had a great time with his family and can't wait to see them all again in a few weeks.
Wow! That was a lot of cute kids! Josh looks like a natural-he'll be a great dad!
Looks like a great weekend!
Oh man, I need to get one of those dopplers next time around. I nearly gave myself a stroke worrying sometimes! It gets better though once your farther along!
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