Well actually I'm 30 weeks and 4 days but who's counting?!?! I can't believe how fast it has gone. And I can't believe that I'm only going to get bigger. How is that possible?! My doctor says I'm measuring on track but I'm convinced her tape measure is broken.

- Swelling...oh my word. It's worse when I've been at work all day. I have been retaining so much water it's ridiculous. I've never had kankles until now but after a long day at work I certainly have kankles.
- Carpal tunnel...another thing no one warns you about. I had no idea it was a common pregnancy symptom. I had signs of it in my first trimester but it went away. It has now come back in full force. Now I have a new accessory to wear.
- I still get nauseous but not nearly as often
- Sadie moves a lot and I love it. Josh gets to feel her a lot more often.
- She does not like the heart doppler. It takes me forever to get a heart beat because she moves as far away from it as she can get. I can see her moving all over the place and it's funny. I try to be nice and only listen every once and a while.
- I go to the bathroom all.the.time.
- When I drop something on the ground I just leave it because it isn't easy to pick up.
- I have some really weird pains that come and go but nothing too crazy.
- I did pass my glucose test so at least I can still enjoy my sugar.
- Not much else has changed. I'm getting more and more uncomfortable but that's to be expected.
- Her crib bedding is coming along nicely and there are a few clothing items I have lined up to make. I can't believe I still haven't made her anything.
- I hope to get most of her clothes washed soon even though she doesn't have a nursery to put them in. I just love having little clothes around the house. Her Jules and Big D just keep buying them.
- I have my first baby shower in a couple of weeks and I can't wait!!
- A friend of mine is going to paint a canvas for her room and I know it is going to be GREAT!!!!!
- Overall we're just trying to get the last minute things finished before she gets here. I'm so ready to meet her although I hope she stays put for at least 6 more weeks.
You look beautiful! Can't wait to see Sadie's sweet face!
You look so pretty! :-) The good thing about water weight is that it's extremely easy to lose after pregnancy. Hope your carpel tunnel gets better!
HOTT mama!!!
So stinking cute!!! I'm so sorry about the carpal tunnel! At least you have that cute new accessory!! :-)
So stinking cute!!! I'm so sorry about the carpal tunnel! At least you have that cute new accessory!! :-)
You look SO great, and time is flying!!!!!!!! Craziness!!!!
You look adorable, even with the wrist brace! :)
You look GREAT!!! I wish I could see you in person!!!!
you look fabulous darling!!!! :)
Enjoy it..even here at the end when you can't breathe or move.
Big big hugs!
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