I am so excited! My mom is going to start smocking. Yea! I've been begging her to do it and she's finally going to. I was always jealous of my friend Jenny because her mom would smock the cutest things and Jenny would make the outfit for the inserts. I loved everything they ever put together and her son was always so cute. Well lucky for me Jenny's mom is going to teach my mom to smock. Wooohooo!! And I'm going to make a bubble outfit to put the insert in. I can't wait. Today we went and picked out the bubble pattern, fabric, and smocking stuff. We were advised to start simple so that's what we did.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Get Your Smock On
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5:22 PM
Monday, January 24, 2011
Cards and Stickers
First of all thank you SOOOOOOO much for the comments on here, Facebook, and Twitter about Sadie's pictures. Josh and I are even more excited to have her here. I find myself looking at her sweet little face all the time!
A few weeks ago I contacted my friend Tricia (who designs my blog, Christmas cards, etc) and told her I wanted to get some cute cards printed that I could send out as a "thank you" to people who generously give Sadie a gift. I even told her I'd like to match Sadie's crib bedding. I know, a little silly, but I have that right. Well let me tell you that Tricia did not disappoint! She designed the cutest cards for me and I printed them at Vista Prints.

These haven't come in yet but I CAN'T wait until they do! Hopefully having these cute things will make writing thank you notes a lot easier! Poor Tricia I just keep her busy. You can already imagine what Sadie's birth announcements might look like. :)
Posted by
3:54 PM
Sadie's 28 Week Photos
Today I had my 4D ultrasound. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!! I hadn't seen Sadie in what seemed like forever. I got spoiled because I had seen her so much early on. In fact today was actually my 7th ultrasound. Crazy, huh?! One reason I wanted to see her again was of course to make sure she is healthy but also to confirm she is a girl. So many people kept telling me stories of how they were told they were having a girl and it ended up being a boy. Just so you know, it's probably not a good idea to share those stories with pregnant women. It makes us even more paranoid. Well for everyone out there who thought she might end up being a boy looks like you were wrong. :)
Posted by
12:09 PM
Saturday, January 22, 2011
28 Weeks
I'm 28 weeks today. Only 12 weeks to go. Yikes. I have so much left to do before she gets here. I'm ready for her to be here I'm just not ready. Know what I mean?!
Here I am at 28 weeks. Excuse the self-portrait bathroom photo.
-My love for chick-fil-a has returned. PTL! In fact I had it 3 times in 24 hours last week.
-The nausea is a lot better. I still get nauseous in the mornings but I no longer have to take zofran to make it better.
-I've been eating a lot of cereal. I want it for a snack and a dessert. Weird.
-Still loving Hawaiian punch, chocolate chip cookies, and really anything sweet.
-I get out of breath all the time. Putting on tennis shoes is a huge task these days. Even turning over in the bed at night makes me out of breath. It's a little ridiculous.
-My feet swell like crazy now if I've been at work all day. Luckily my BP is still good so no worries there. It's just really annoying because I can't wear any shoes.
-Sadie moves around a lot. In fact I wonder if she ever sleeps. Makes me concerned she won't be a good sleeper. I love feeling her though and watching my stomach move all around.
-Still no heartburn. I guess she'll be a bald baby.
-I started making her crib bedding a couple of weeks ago. It's been
fun so far I'm just ready to get it finished.
-I still haven't made or monogramed my child anything. Isn't that sad?! I'm going to fix that soon.
-Josh and I have been really praying hard about where we'll live (we have to move bc our apt is tiny), finances, child care, etc. I'm pretty sure that's a whole other blog post.
-My glucose test is this week. Uh oh. I'm afraid I might have to lay off the sugar. :(
-Want to know what else is this week? My 4D ultrasound. I can't wait to see her! And get further confirmation she's a girl.
-We just feel so blessed to be the parents of this little girl. Lord, help us!
- Posted using BlogPress from Hillary's iPhone
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3:23 PM
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
All the Single Ladies...Put Your Hands Up
Hello everyone!! My friend Kelly is doing a really fun thing over at her blog today. Show Us Your Life is something Kelly has been doing for a while now. Can you believe that I have NEVER participated??? I hope she doesn't de-friend me for that. Either I was just lazy or didn't have anything fun to add or whatever. This week though is different. I knew I couldn't miss out on this one because it's all about showing off your single friends. Since I was single while most of my friends were getting married and having babies it is definitely a sensitive subject. I long for all single ladies to find a godly husband to share life with. It took a little convincing but I talked 3 of my favorite friends into letting me show them off on my blog. You've probably already seen them on Kelly's blog but for the 4 of you out there that might not read Kelly's blog (ok, probably just 1 or 2) I wanted to give you an opportunity to meet my friends. Josh and I were set up for our first date so I'm a true believer in that process. So.....meet my beautiful friends...

This is Jenna. She's 26 and lives in Georgia. Where do I even begin to tell you about Jenna?! Like Caroline I met Jenna in person on the same Atlanta trip. This girl had gone above and beyond to make that weekend so much fun for all of us. That's just who she is. She's all about doing things for other people. Like the other two girls she is all about the Lord. One way she honors Him is by giving of her time to help minister to other girls, friends, etc. She's just a selfless person and has a HUGE heart. Oh and she. is. hilarious. I mean hilarious. She has the best comebacks and sometimes I'm jealous. :) I love that she can be funny and serious all at the same time. Jenna is also one that I've shared prayer requests with because I know she is faithful to pray. That's a good word to describe her, faithful. Oh and I'd also describe her as loyal too.
Posted by
2:06 PM
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Weekend Eats
Josh and I had a great weekend filled with yummy food! Friday after work I scurried home so I could make us a yummy dinner. I have been really wanting to try my friend Erin's recipe for Bow Tie Fiesta.
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3:32 PM
First Snow of 2011
This post is a little late but I wanted to document it anyway. A little over a week ago (January 9th) we had our first snow of 2011 in Little Rock. Actually most of the state saw snow. I LOVE snow and I love when it snows only sometimes it stresses me out because of work. Unlike most people when it snows I still have to work. Driving in the snow has never really bothered me. When I lived in Fayetteville you had a much more challenging time getting around than you do in Little Rock. This year though things are a little different. I don't mind driving myself in the snow but having a little bun in the oven makes me more nervous. Because of that we decided to stay at my parent's house since they live close to where I work. I took a few pictures but they are a little blurry because I took them through the glass. Too cold to go outside!
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3:09 PM
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My Prayers for Sadie
Since the second I found out I was pregnant (actually even before that) I started praying for the new life God had began forming inside of me. At first it didn't seem real and honestly it still doesn't. I never felt like I deserved such a blessing. I know so many women who long for a child and have yet to get pregnant so I felt guilty that I was pregnant. I know that seems silly but I simply didn't think I deserved it. Regardless though I was beyond thankful and humbled. I think as soon as I confirmed a positive pregnancy test I started praying out of panic. I would go through every single part of her body that I could think of (eyes, ears, nose, blood, muscles, organs, mind, bones, etc) and pray that God would completely form them and that she'd be healthy. Once the panic wore off I started praying more about her and that she'd be sweet and have a gentle and quiet spirit (good luck, child, seeing as how you come from two very stubborn parents, ha). I would say little prayers about her future husband and friends and I still do.
All of these prayers are great but lately there are two prayers I pray all the time for her. I still pray she will be healthy and continue to grow inside of me. That's obviously very important to me. Another very important thing to me is Sadie's salvation. I pray almost every day that she will accept the Lord as her Savior. Not only that but I want her to fall in love with Him. I worry that since she'll grow up in church and in the ministry that she'll be jaded to church and the Lord and think of it as something we "do". I pray that she'll develop a relationship with Him based on obedience and love and that she'll never doubt it. I pray that she'll be strong in her faith and that she'll lead other people to the Lord throughout her lifetime.
Although I want her to be successful and have a wonderful husband and friends I want more than anything for her to love the Lord. It's scary to think that as her momma I'm going to be responsible for making sure she is introduced to Him. Josh and I will certainly make sure she is in church and involved in activities that give her opportunities to get to know Him but it is so much deeper than that. Is my relationship with Lord such that Sadie will want what I have? Do I bring honor and glory to Him in what I do? Do I live out my faith each and every day? Is God someone I love and serve with an open heart or is He a "job" or obligation that I fulfil?
Lord, I pray that Josh and I will show Sadie what it looks like to love you with all of our heart, soul, and mind and that she'll desire to love you like that as well.
Posted by
2:48 PM
Monday, January 10, 2011
Miscellaneous Weekend
That's not all she brought!! She brought Sadie a little gift too.
Saturday I also made a new recipe for dinner that I got here. It was really good. It wasn't super pretty but it tasted fabulous. Then after dinner I finished up on an order.
Posted by
7:11 AM
Friday, January 7, 2011
Sneak Peek
I don't have much done at all for Sadie's nursery but I do have a few things. I have the crib and the fabric for the bedding. There are a couple of other things in the works but I'll wait and share those at another time. Here's a little peek at what will be going on in her room.

I will also probably use it on the curtains/pillows.

I can't wait to see it all come togther but its going to be a while. It's ok though because at this point we don't even have a nursery to put it in. Detials, right?!
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1:30 PM
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Money Talk

And these are the envelopes. The envelopes comes with several for putting money in but there are also sheets to help you keep track of other things you might not want to put in an envelope, like rent or utilities. Our envelope headings are:
- Groceries/Toiletries
- Restaurants
- Clothing/Cleaning (as in dry cleaning)
- Hair Care
- Cosmetics (so I can keep covering up the 'stache)
- Gifts
- Medications
- Youth (this is because we go to youth events that I have to use money to pay for myself)
The other sheets are:
- Rent
- Utilities
- Taxes
- Car Care
You can use whatever budget groups that are right for you and your spending. We also budget Josh's seminary but we have a separate checking account for that (and for my sewing) so we don't use envelopes for it.
When deciding what items needed to be in our budget and how much we needed to spend on them we had to really get serious. We were either going to do this and do it right or not do it at all. Our first big decision was to rent a small apartment and not buy a home. This was tough because I had a house in Fayetteville and have the furnishings for a home so it wasn't easy to downsize. We knew though it was something we needed to do. We also made a few other cuts in order to help us pay our debt. For one we chose to do without the internet and cable. I never in my life thought I would give up either of those in my home. It's crazy how getting motivated to save money will change your way of thinking.
We also cut our eating out budget WAY down. In fact we only get $50 a month to eat out together. I confess that we had really slacked off for a while but we are back at it. That's not really a lot of money when you think about it. I should say that it doesn't include our Saturday morning breakfasts. Those are in a separate budget category. :) Although those are about to be cut out as well.
We have a very small clothing allowance which forces us to save it up in order for one of us to get something we need, not things we just want.
Josh and I each get monthly "blow" money to spend on whatever we want but even this is only a small part of our budget. We actually only get $20 each a month. That's all! Some months that's easy but other months it seems impossible. We've to slacked in this too so we're cracking down now.
By cutting back a lot we've been able to pay off our debt, maintain our initial emergency fund, and still buy everything we need and a few things we want. Any extra money from our budget went towards the car or dental bills. And when we received money as gifts (not all but some) or tax refunds or by selling something we put it on debt. Our goal was to get things paid off and it was worth it to spend our extra money on doing so. It was tough at times but PTL we did it.
Now that our car is paid off any extra money we have will go into savings to help when I'm on maternity leave. Once I'm back at work we'll start saving for a car so when the time comes, Lord willing, we'll be able to use cash.
Like I've said many times I'm not perfect when it comes to managing money. In fact I've been kind of lousy at it. But right now, in this season of my life, I'm so thankful that Josh and I have already been doing this. I feel the Lord is really asking us to have a LOT of faith right now as we are preparing for a new baby. It's hard for me to give up control of money but its all His anyway. And selfishly I want to be good stewards of what He gives us so maybe He'll want to give us more. :)
Posted by
5:27 PM
Monday, January 3, 2011
Well, here we are, another year. I've always loved a new year because it is a fresh start. I haven't really made any "resolutions" the last several years but more like goals. I've thought about what my goals for this year would be and things just seem different. I'm not starting a major diet tomorrow (although I'm thinking I should cut back on the sugar) because I'm pregnant and this is the only time I have an excuse not to diet. I'd love to say that I'm going to start working on my finances but honestly Josh and I have been working on that for a while. I used to commit to blog more at the beginning of the year but I've actually done a pretty decent job of that lately. Sure, I'd like to be more organized but "nesting" is going to cause that and not a new year. I guess, having said all that, this year I'm just going to do the best I can to make good decisions about food, money, organizing, etc but I have something else on my mind for this year.
Being a first time mom is very scary and intimidating. Although I'm SO READY for Sadie to get here I haven't the slightest idea what to do with her when she arrives. I know feeding her, changing her diapers, and making sure she sleeps are all essentials but even the "simple" things scare me. Babies have a way of making the simple not so simple. So I guess you could say my goal for this year is to take each moment as it comes. Not to try and have it all figured out ahead of time but just go with the flow. And perhaps I'll read a few "how to" books and ask my experienced friends lots of questions.
This year my time will be spent loving the Lord, loving Josh, and loving Sadie. No other goal I set can even compare to these three things. Sure along the way I'd like to keep doing what I've been doing and I'd really like to lose the baby weight ASAP but in time those things will work themselves out. I won't worry or stress or obsess over them. I have more important things to fill my thoughts.
I hope and pray that 2011 is a blessed year for all of us and that at the end of it we are better people than we were when we began.
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8:00 AM