2010 was overall a great year! I loved going back and reading my blog to see what all went on. I decided to highlight the year on this post. It's mostly pictures so hopefully you won't be too bored. So here's a little of what went on this last year...
I got my first embroidery machine (really I got it the last couple of days in 2009). This was the beginning of our love-hate relationship.

Took a trip to Dallas to meet this little guy,

It was fun hanging out with Jenny and Laura too

Oh yeah, and our husbands came along.

Earlier this year was my first real
encounter with Twitter. I will never be the same. :) One reason I got on Twitter was to get excited about...

...our "over flow" trip to Atlanta for the
So Long Insecurity conference. I had the best time with my friends.

And a great time with some of my favorite blogger/twitter friends.

I wish I could have spent time with everyone but it was great hanging with these girls.
Then the very next week I left for a girl's trip in NEW YORK CITY!

NYC is one of my favorite places on earth. My mom and sister were part of the group.

And so was my friend Shannon.

We had the BEST time. Although we were almost blown away by the Times Square Bomber. Thank goodness the Lord had his angels around us and the bomb never went off. Don't worry, I'm still ready to go back.
A few weeks after we came back I turned the big 3-0. I still have a hard time believing it.

We celebrated at
YaYa's with my parents. So good.

In early June I went on a girl's weekend with some of my best friends. It was such a great time and I'm ready to do it again.

Josh and I met Shaun Groves and we sponsored our first Compassion child, Pedro.

I began making and selling things. Wow, it was hard work but the Lord blessed me.

Still one of my favorite outfits.

This dress has been and is very popular.

In July we went with my family to the beach.

Oh to be back there RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then in early August things really started to get exciting.

We got a "YES"! Whoa!

And not that Hog football compares to a "yes" but this past fall we had a lot of fun watching
our Hogs play football. But back to the baby...

In September it was finally time to share our news with everyone. I was 10 1/2 weeks at the time.

Josh finally caught up with me and turned 30. But enough of that, back to the baby. A few weeks after Josh's is birthday...
...we found out...
...we were having a girl. One of the best days of my life.

The weekend after finding out our baby was Sadie I went to
NWA to help cheer on Kelly in her dance recital. I LOVED hanging with my favorite friends (and I LOVE being pregnant with Kelly). As if that wasn't enough excitement for November Josh and I went on a trip with some of our best friends.

I love Chicago.

I should mention here that I also LOVE being pregnant with Jenny. The 4 of us had a great little "baby moon" in Chicago and it's time to go back.

Josh and I celebrated the holiday season with our families, the last year "just the two of us." It was a great time but we were both very excited about how different things will be next year.
And I can't end my 2010 recap without a shout out to another one of the most exciting things in 2010...

The Hogs made it to a
BCS bowl!!
WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! They don't actually play it in 2010 but all their hard work took place during this time to so I had to mention. I'm hoping my 2011 recap will begin with the mention of the Hogs WINNING the SUGAR BOWL!
I hope you all had a blessed year and that 2011 is even better.