Wednesday, April 28, 2010

129 Days To Go

No, Josh and I are not expecting! I'm talking about Razorback football. The first game kicks off in 129 days! The excitement is already in the air. Can you feel it? I can. Well one of the things on my "to do" list before heading out of town was to renew our season ticket order. I'm usually last minute but not as last minute as I was this year. I really had a hard time deciding whether or not we should get season tickets this year. They are SOOOO expensive and Josh and I have really been trying to watch our money. We talked about it, I prayed about it, sought some counsel from others (it's a big decision, ok?) and we decided to renew again this year with the expectation that it could be our last. *Tear* Fortunately since we're in Little Rock and won't be able to go to all the games we'll be able to sell them and make some of our money back. And since "THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR YEAR" how could I miss out on it?! I just love Razorback football and I love Razorback football games. It helps that I get to cheer on the hogs with my friends Kelly and Scott since their seats are behind ours. And now that we've decided to take the plunge again this year and get tickets I'm really excited! I can smell a BCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we are at one of the games last year.

On that note this is my last post until Monday since I'll be out of town. If you follow me on Twitter you'll be able to check out some NYC action early! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sprung A Leak

A couple of weeks ago Josh brought my attention to something going on in our apartment. It sounded like there was water turning on and off somewhere behind the walls. We'd hear it turn on for a few seconds and then shut off. It would repeat this pattern every 15 minutes or so. Since it always shut off we didn't pay too much attention. Last week Josh noticed the water was running but was not shutting off. Josh checked our toilet to see if something wasn't working properly but everything seemed fine. At that point he called our apartment manager and someone came over to check it out. They couldn't find anything and so they went on their merry little way.

Yesterday morning I received a phone call from Josh letting me know that while he was getting ready the sprinkler in our closet started leaking water.

He told me he was going to call the apartment manager again to have them come look at it. It was a few minutes later when he called back and said now the sprinkler in our dining area was leaking water as well.

He then proceeded to list ALL the areas in our apartment that were leaking such as the vent and sprinkler in our bathroom...

The ceiling in our living room...

and the ceiling above our bar area....

I was beginning to stress out. All I could envision was the sheet rock bursting and water going everywhere. I made sure Josh took precautions to protect my dining room table and sewing machine. You know, the important things. Fortunately the maintenance staff arrived soon and started taking care of the problem. Apparently it was an issue with our upstairs neighbor. The guys worked hard getting things cleaned up and dried off. I am just so glad Josh was home! He was supposed to have left our place by 8 that morning while the leaking didn't start until around 8:30. I hate to imagine what we would have found if we had arrived home at 5:00 that afternoon. Because of all the water we now have some new accessories in our place.

One in our closet.

And one in our living room.

Monday, April 26, 2010


What a FABULOUS weekend I had! Friday I loaded up the car and headed to Branson, Missouri to meet up with some of my favorite friends.

Amanda, Me, Jennifer, Laurie, Kelly

We all met up at the airport to catch a flight to Atlanta to attend Beth Moore's conference on her new book So Long Insecurity. If you haven't been in the Branson airport you should. It is so cute. Like a big log cabin.

Jennifer, Me, Kelly

Our flight was adventurous. All day Arkansas/Missouri had been experiencing some severe weather. We were concerned our flight might get delayed or cancelled but PTL it didn't. After we took off it didn't take the Captain long to let us know of some turbulence we'd be experiencing. We wouldn't be flying through storms but we'd still be able to feel the effects. Yes, indeed we did. The first 15 minutes were a little rough. We were all a little on edge with the bumpy ride but it didn't last long. The rest of the trip was pretty much smooth sailing. We were so excited to arrive in Atlanta to meet Caroline, Faith, and Jenna.

I was super excited to get to meet my "blog" friends. I honestly don't think of them at all as blog friends but as real friends...I happened to have never met. These girls are wonderful! Jenna and Faith drove us around all weekend and for that I am so thankful. After leaving the airport we headed to The Varsity in downtown Atlanta. Apparently it's a pretty famous place with lots of greasy burgers, fries, hot dogs, and onion rings.

This is actually a pic of Kelly's meal but we had the same thing so I took it. :) A bacon cheeseburger and onion rings!

We all look great in hats!

Since we didn't make it to Atlanta until late we didn't get to eat until late. That meant we didn't get back to the hotel until late. We were all exhausted. Laurie, Amanda, and I sat in our little living room and talked. Kelly joined us soon and we ended up staying up WAY too late. I think by the time we went to bed I had been up about 21 straight hours. I was so tired but it was so worth it. The next morning we woke up early to get ready and head to the Beth Moore conference. There a lot of women there. It was such a neat thing to attend.

Laurie, Kelly,Me

I feel this is a good time to insert how happy I was to be with two of my best friends. These girls are great and funny and since I've been in Little Rock I've missed them terribly. I had the best time talking and laughing with them ALL weekend.

Here we are again with our "new" friend Jill. Although I actually met her a week ago. She's WONDERFUL. I just love her!

During our lunch break we headed over to the other side of the campus to meet some other "bloggers". I have "known" Fran through the blog world for a while now and she's great! She captured my heart when I learned she was a Razorback fan living in Tennessee. As she put it "we are bonded through the Hogs and Jesus"...or something like that. It was also great to meet Robyn as well. She's such a neat, funny, person! These are both great ladies.

The conference was really good even though I was so tired! The thing that hit me the most was when Beth said "insecurity is self-idolatry." Wow! How true and convicting is that?! Since I only read three chapters of the book before I left (shame) I am excited to get started on it again.

After the conference we inched along in traffic and made our way to Copeland's. Delicious. It was such a fun time. We all were able to talk and laugh and enjoy ourselves.

There are a few people in the picture that I haven't been able to mention yet. Jill also had her sister Joy (black and white stripes), and mom (not in the photo) with her. They rode in the car with Laurie, Amanda, Faith, and myself. They are such great ladies. I was thrilled to have them. Also pictured is on of Jennifer's friends (brown and white top) from OBU who just happens to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen. And last but not least is Mandi (in the tan shirt). She is so sweet and has the cutest boys. Oh my word! I was so happy to be able to meet her.

The whole time in planning this weekend I imagined after dinner we'd all go back to the hotel and meet up with other blogger friends. Well, it didn't happen like that. When we got back to the hotel Kelly, Laurie, Amanda, and I sat down in our living room and started talking. We kept intending to go hang out with the others but we just kept on talking. Before we knew it everyone else had gone to bed. Sometimes things don't work out like you plan. I hate to have missed out on meeting other bloggers but I loved spending more quality time with my friends.

The next morning we got up early and headed to the airport. It was sad saying goodbye to Caroline, Jenna, and Faith. I would love to have brought them back to Arkansas with us.

Our flight back was a lot better than the one to ATL. We were all anxious to get back so we could enjoy lunch together before heading home. We unanimously decided on Cantina Laredo at Branson Landing. It was so good!

Jennifer and Kelly

Amanda, Me, Laurie
After lunch I had to say goodbye to my friends and my fun weekend and head back to Little Rock. I was sad to leave but excited to get home and see Josh. I will forever be thankful for the fun weekend I had. It's just what I needed. I can't wait until the next time I get to hang out with the girls again.
Now...I need to get all the laundry done and get packed before I leave for NYC early Thursday morning. I can't wait!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Way Behind!

I know...I'm so behind. There's a lot going on these days. The main issue I have with blogging is simply that I don't have the internet at home. That means if I want to blog I have to use my parent's computer. Which is fine except on my lunch breaks I've been trying to work out and after work I'm either running errands, sewing, cooking, or at church. After all of those things are done it's hard to find the time or desire to blog. But here I am today trying to catch up.

My first item of business is to let you know I finished one of my favorite sewing projects to beach hat! Picture lightening isn't all that great so I apologize. This hat was a little tedious in some parts but overall it was fun to make. I told my mom and sister I'd make them one too. I better get busy.

A couple of weekends ago my friend Jenny and I headed to see Katie for the weekend. Such a fun time!

Got to spend some quality time with these ladies...

...some quality time with this little guy....

...and got to meet this little guy.

Since then Josh and I spent the weekend of Easter with my family but I didn't take any pictures. How sad is that?!?! And this past weekend Josh worked all weekend on church and seminary stuff while I shopped and started trying to get things together for my upcoming travels. I'm headed to Atlanta for the Beth Moore simulcast in a couple of weeks.

I'm super excited about the fun girls weekend! Going to be great hanging out with real life friends and blog friends. The best part though will be learning to so SAY SO LONG to those silly insecurities that plague us! Can't wait!

I'm also going to be traveling to The Big Apple in a few weeks for a long girl's weekend with my mom, sister, and friend Shannon. I can't wait for that trip either! I've been to NYC once before but I'm dying to go back. I've been trying to plan our trip and there is just so much to do and so little time. I'm welcoming any suggestions!

So there you have it! That's what's been going on. I'll try to do a better job about posting but as you can see the upcoming weeks are going to be a little busy. Until then...