We have had a good week of Valentine fun.
This year for Sadie's valentines I wanted to do something cute, practical, and allergen-free. I decided to go with puzzles because who doesn't love a puzzle?!
For Sophie's valentines I just copied what I did for Sadie when she was her age. Poor second child. I hope she doesn't need therapy later in life.
Valentines are the easy part of Valentine's Day. The hard part? The box. This year is the first time Sadie has been asked to bring a box. I did not have time or desire for anything fancy so I decided on a simple design. It actually turned out super cute and Sadie loved it..

I actually saved it because I plan to use it again next year. Genius.
Another thing that causes me stress for holidays...teacher gifts. This year I went with a small gift card to the restaurant nearby and a super cute cookie a friend made. The cookies were so cute! Too pretty to eat.
Sadie had a fun time at her school party. She passed out (tossed) Valentines to her friends and loved getting some in return.
She was so excited to go through her box.
I am so thankful for Sadie's class, her teachers, and sweet friends. It has been hard for me having her in "big girl school" and seeing her happy makes it so much better.
First school party was a success!
Unfortunately this sweet love bug missed her party. She has been sick for awhile now. Hoping and praying she is on the mend.
We have spent lots of time snuggling and taking selfies the last few days.
Today was our first annual Valentine's Day breakfast. I have always loved Vakentine's Day. Even when I was single I loved it. It's just a sweet cheesy holiday. I want my girls to love it too. Even though Josh and I tell them daily how much we love them, why not dedicate an entire day for it?!
We had donuts, fruit, chocolate milk, and a few happies for each of them. Sadie loved everything.
Cinderella stopped by for a little dancing. What is Valentine's Day without dancing?!
So thankful for a fun, memorable week with my girls.
Happy Valentine's Day to you!!