I have less business posting on today's topic than I did on last weeks topic. Since I've only been a parent for 3 months and 16 days I should probably focus more on getting advice than giving it. Oh trust me I spend lots of times texting and e-mailing my friends and asking a million questions. Along this journey I'd like to think I've at least learned a few things.

The few things I've learned have more to do with having a newborn but some apply across the board. So since you came over to see what I have to say here you go! :)
Every parent and every child are different. Don't worry what other parents and other babies/children are doing. Do what is best for you and your child.
Stop the guilt. If you can't or don't want to breast feed, don't feel guilty. If you have to or want to go back to work, don't feel guilty. These things and many others will not cheat your child out of becoming a wonderful, successful, well-rounded individual.
Relax. This is advice I've had to give myself. As you all know we are very scheduled around here. It is how I work best and I know it is not for everyone. Sometimes though being scheduled can be a hindrance. Although it is important to stick to one if that is your preference there are times it is good to just relax! If your baby eats 30 minutes late one day. It will be fine. Or if your child is extra sleepy and sleeps past wake up time. No big deal.
Balance. Sometimes during the day my "to-do" list is so long I practically need to feed Sadie, put her in a place she can entertain herself (swing, bouncy, jumperoo) and get busy. It's ok if Sadie plays by herself. It's good for her. So don't feel bad about not spending every single second with them. On the flip side though some days it's ok not to get the laundry done or do all the dishes put away if you just want to sit and play with your baby. It's all about balance. You don't want to miss out because they grow so fast but life goes on and there are things to get done. Just do your best.
Ask questions. Obviously I knew nothing (and still don't know a lot) about how to raise Sadie. Sure I know how to love her and spend time with her but I need/needed help on how much to feed her, when to feed her, how many poopie diapers should she have, what are those red bumps on her neck, when do I give her solid foods, etc. I basically picked a few other moms that are similar to me in thinking (scheduling) and are willing to answer my questions and I go to them for advice. It has been great for me and I'm so thankful to have them.
PRAY. Last but certainly not least is prayer. Sometimes it gets so busy throughout the day that I don't stop and pray for Sadie or for Josh and I as her parents. That is the most important thing I can do for Sadie. She belongs to the Lord but Josh and I are responsible for raising her in a way that brings honor to Him. We needs lots of prayer for that!
Love all of this :) You are getting along just fine raising your Sadie and are a great Mommy!
Great words of wisdom Hillary!!! Come see us soon!!!!
I read your blog often and through your words and pictures I can tell that you are a wonderful mother and that you love your family with all of your heart! I am not (yet) a mother, but I do take your advice for future reference! God Bless!
Totally agree with all of these...espeically about no guilt!
Great advice! Beautiful picture! Am blog hopping and found yours. Am now following. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back! Have a great weekend!
What a beauty she is! And yes, prayer is the most important! Following you now from Kelly's Korner!
From a Mommy with 8 children...this is some of the best advice. Very true.
Came from Kelly's Korner. I think that's all great advice!
After 5 kids I have to say your advice is really good!
You got it down perfect on all those points sister! I've had to tell myself that first one several times lately as we switched schools. You just do whats best for your child and not worry about what others are doing or say. Sounds like you're doing fabulous! She's such a little doll.
You are a "new" parent, but sounds like you will be a great one!!!
What wonderful & wise advice!
Great words! Visiting from Kellys Korner.
She is soo beautiful!
This is all such good stuff! The balance part is so important. I just took my sweet baby's temp and he's got a fever so I need to just cancel my "to-do" items out of the house these next couple of days and chill out.
Every day and week is different and I too like having some semblance of a schedule (ical alerts are my friend!) but it's good to be able to throw it all out the window when you need/want to also.
As far as solid foods, you may not like this at all but we did Baby-led Weaning (you can google it and there's a book) and we loved it!
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