2011 was an amazing year. Wow. Sometimes it is still hard to believe. Here is a list of the Top Ten things from our year.

1. Obviously the most amazing thing that happened in 2011 came in the form of a 7 pound 7 ounces little bundle of joy. April 13, 2011 at 8:50 pm was the most amazing time of my life. Sweet Sadie lady made me a momma. She has certainly made the year very memorable.
2. A big year of firsts. Sadie has had a lot of firsts such as holidays, vacations, etc. I think she has enjoyed herself. Josh and I have had a lot of firsts too. A baby sure does change everything.
3. On June 5, 2011 we dedicated Sadie in our church. It was a very humbling moment. The little baby the Lord has blessed us with is our responsibility. Whoa. We know the only way to do right by her is do our best to raise her in a way which honors the Lord. Our number one goal as parents is to see her come to a saving relationship with Jesus.
4. 2011 the Lord provided in a huge way and I was able to quit my full time job. This was a huge blessing. I knew after having Sadie going back for me would be torture. I'm so thankful God gave Josh and I the faith to let the comfort of that job go. I have never regretted it for a second.
5. Along with #4 God showed off even more and provided me with a part time job, close to my home. where I can be with Sadie the entire time. I'm still amazed at the timing and the way He worked it out. Working there has been wonderful. The people are fantastic and Sadie and I both love it.
6. On June 11 I was able to take Sadie to Northwest Arkansas to meet some of my friends. This was so much fun because I was able to see and meet some blog friends too. I had the best time.
7. A year of social connections. :) I have met some of the most amazing friends through blogs and Twitter this year. I've met some amazing friends before 2011 but I think this year really brought us together (ha, sounds so serious) because of babies, motherhood, and life in general.
8. In September Josh and I took Sadie (along with my mom) to the beach. This was an exciting time for all of us. We are so thankful we were able to go. We hope and pray there are other beach trips in the future. Once a year would be nice. :)
9. The Hogs made us all proud and finished in the top 10. Not only that but there was conversation about them playing in the National Championship going into the LSU game. It was wonderful to have SEC WEST representing #1, #2, and #3. Go SEC!
10. Last but not least this month Josh finished his first of 3 Hebrews classes. This is a huge deal. We've been waiting on these classes to come back around so Josh can finish his seminary degree. The end is definitely in sight now and we're so ready for Josh to graduate.
There you have it. These are just highlights of our amazing year. We are excited to see what God has in store for 2012.
Wishing you all a wonderful 2012!