This is a few days late but better late than never! Josh and I had a GREAT Memorial Day weekend. Friday night after work I went home to make Josh's sister, Callie, part of her birthday gift. Josh had things to do that night so it was the perfect time to sit at my machine and sew. I had gotten her some jewelry at Charming Charlie and decided to make a jewelry envelope to put it in. I didn't have a pattern so it took me a little while to get it measured out, especially with the embroidery on it.

Here's what all I used to make the envelope.

It turned out pretty cute...if I do say so myself. Not perfect, but cute!

Here's the lining.
Saturday morning Josh and I got up, went to Panera for breakfast, and then hit the road. We went to see his dad and grandmother first thing and then headed to his Aunt's house for a cookout. When we got there I was so glad to see little Emersyn there. She had been in the hospital a few days last week and for a while the doctors weren't sure what as wrong. Luckily she is all better and as cute as can be!

I need one of these, don't I? :)

We has such a good time with Josh's family. His cousins and their wives/girlfriend are so fun to be around. I sure wished they lived closer.

Logan, Ashley, Nathan, Tanner, Josh and Till and Camden in the front
Here's all the guys. Aren't they handsome? And the two lookers in front are the most handsome. All of these guys are Josh's cousins.

Silly Boys

The Ladies: Me (big girls shouldn't wear white and khaki), Ronette (Nathan's wife, Camden and Emersyn's mom); Amy (Tanner's wife, Till and one-on-the-way's mom); Sarah (Ashley's girlfriend)

Logan and Till enjoying and afternoon snack

Camden is so sweet to share.

Camden and Josh
After lunch we all went to Tanner and Amy's house. They had just built it and it was so nice. Ronette was exhausted from having a newborn and having been with her in the hospital that she left Emersyn with Amy and I for a couple of hours. I got LOTS of baby time in. Amy and I took turns holding and feeding her but I let Amy change all the diapers. :) While the girls were inside the boys were outside riding dirt bikes and four-wheelers.

I wish I would have gotten a picture of the whole gang. Tanner, Nathan, Logan, and Josh all had a vehicle and they let the little boy sride along as well. From what I hear they had a great time. It's things like this which make me sad we don't live in the country.

After they all returned from their adventure Till and Camden still had some energy left to play. Unfortunately Josh and I had to head home. When we got back to Little Rock we went to eat Mexican and then went to bed. We were exhausted!
Sunday was a great day too! We had a picnic after church and then Josh and I went to see Letters to Juliet. I like going to the movies in the afternoon.

Not the best picture we've ever taken.
Later we went to my parent's house for dinner and then home to bed. We were both thrilled to be able to sleep in and not have to go to work the next day. And by sleep in I mean get up at 7, or at least I did. I let Josh sleep until 8 though. I'm nice like that. We didn't do much on our day off except a few things around the house, a couple of errands but most importantly, we got our FIRST snow cone of the season.

Pina Coloda with sweet cream. Oh. My. Word. So good!
Oh yeah, mom and I did catch one Memorial Day sale. Look what my mom got me:

Embroidery thread that was half off!! What a blessing!
Like I said we had a wonderful weekend! I'm equally excited about the weekend to come. Bring on some girl time at the lake!