About a week and a half ago I had really be struggling with getting back on the diet and to stop eating so much sugar. I really wanted to slow it down but kept thinking it was pointless to try it right then because the next week would be my birthday then Memorial Day weekend so wouldn't it be better to start after that?? I went back and forth about it but then it hit me. There is ALWAYS going to be SOMETHING to keep me from eating right. If it's not a birthday it will be another holiday, or a vacation, or dinner out with friends, whatever. If I wait until the time is right (which means when it will be the easiest for me) then I'll never lose this weight. It actually ended up being perfect timing...or so I thought. Josh would be out of town so I had in my mind I'd buy Lean Cuisine and Smart Ones meals and eat them all week for dinner and it would be simple. I should have known it never works quite like that. Monday morning (day one) I am greeted at work by a co-worker delivering TWO POUND CAKES I had ordered for my mother. I love pound cake especially if it has 5 flavors in it.

Normally this wouldn't be a big deal because I could just drop them off to my mom and not have to see them. Well, it just so happened that I would be staying there ALL WEEK LONG while Josh was away. I did lots of praying and I had many conversations with myself about how I really didn't want it and I certainly didn't need it. So, PTL, I didn't eat one bite. Not one. Not because one bite would have done me in but because I knew there would be more temptations in the week that I'd rather save my "bites" for.
Tuesday I made it through relatively easy except for the occasional glance at the cake. Nothing too tempting though because the hard part was over. It really helps when I have sewing class because I'm in such a rush to get changed, eat dinner, and get to class that I hardly have time to think about eating. And when I get home its bedtime so if I hurry and get in bed then I don't have to think about the fact that I'd really enjoy something sweet.
Wednesday came along and brought 6 new temptations with it. My grandmother sent my mom some ice cream for her birthday from Graeter's.

I had never heard of it before but apparently it's pretty popular. It's such a neat gift! When I got home I wanted to bust open every one of them to sample.

I had actually anticipated their arrival and saved a few points so I could treat myself. Most ice cream I eat (low sugar or not) has around 150ish calories per half cup. Some a little more some a little less. Oh no, not this ice cream. When I looked at the nutrition content I nearly choked.

After lots of praying and soul-searching I decided that I would try it but only a few small bites. And PTL again I only had 3 small bites. I figure just with those 3 small bites I had 150 calories so that was my limit. It was worth it though because ice cream was really good!
Next up, Thursday. Ahhhh...Thursday. I actually knew Thursday was coming and had time to prepare mentally and spiritually for the day. Earlier in the week my mom suggested we go eat at Macaroni Grill. I happen to LOVE that place. One reason I LOVE that place is because they have my favorite dessert of all time, Lemon Passion. I had actually planned to have it for my birthday. So I started thinking about it. I really wanted that dessert and I knew if she and I went while I was staying with them Josh and I probably wouldn't go the next week. So I decided to go for it. I had a plan in mind. I had picked out my entree ahead of time, only 360 calories, and mom and I would split the dessert. Well things worked out beautifully. And the best part is that the piece they brought us was VERY small compared to what it normally is so I ate even less than planned. It was so good but I forgot to take a picture.
Next up, Friday. Some already know this but it has become a tradition at work that on Friday my boss buys us cupcakes from my favorite place. I was thrilled though because my boss was actually out of town on Friday so I thought we'd get away without getting any. No such luck. I get a phone call at my desk and it is my boss, on vacation, calling me and letting me know he still wants to buy us cupcakes. Oh dear. I wanted one so bad! The problem was, I CHOSE lemon passion to be a dessert that week. And to make it worse I was the one going to pick up the cupcakes. It's so hard to say no when you go in and smell their deliciousness. Well I went and picked them up and as always they looked wonderful.

And another Praise is in order because I. Did. Not. Get. One. Oh my word! I still can't believe it. Not only that...do you see the one in the middle with the Reese's cup on top? That's the one I got Josh. Well Josh didn't get home until 10:00pm so I had to look at it ALL DAY LONG. God was good though and gave me the strength to refrain. I'm serious. Without the Lord I'd have no self-control.
Saturday morning came along and I was going to meet Jill for breakfast at Mimi's...home of my favorite muffin. Again I knew this ahead of time and prepared for it. I ordered my breakfast and ate half of everything including the muffin.

I wanted the whole thing but I made myself stop. Normally if I had saved it I would have eaten it later that afternoon. Instead, praise Him, I gave it to my mom. Glory. I felt so proud of myself.
In all seriousness last week was a HUGE victory for me. My biggest battles with food have to do with me not watching my portions and eating whatever I want when "I'm off my diet." I can do really well and follow my diet to a "t" and then when I get a meal off or a day off I just eat without any thought to it. I eat what I want because it's my "cheat" day. That is so opposite of how it should be. It shouldn't matter if its a special occasion, holiday, vacation, meal out with friends, there's never a good reason to indulge so much that our fleshly desires are quenched and we;re left feeling gross and guilty. I say all this not because I've perfected it but because this is something the Lord is teaching me. I'm still working on it and I'll be working on it for the rest of my life. This week is going to be a struggle too. Wednesday is lemon ice box pie at work and Thursday is red velvet cookies and chocolate souffle. Lord, please help!