This past weekend Josh and I hit the road to Dallas with our friends Jenny and Todd to see our friends Laura, Brad, and Baby Braysen. Braysen was born November 5th (did I get that right, Laura?) and we knew we had to take a trip to spend some time with him.

Todd and Jenny

Josh and I look rough.
When we got to their house we all just sat up and talked a while. It was so nice being there. They have the cutest house. After we woke up I gladly offered to go get a crying Braysen.

Boy did I enjoy cuddling with him!

Laura made us breakfast that was really good. This is Josh's plate. :)

Jenny got her some good cuddle time with him too.
About mid-morning Jenny and Todd left to go see a friend of theirs in Ft. Worth. While they were gone Laura, Braysen and I went on a walk, went to lunch, and played some in the nursery.

This boy LOVES to be outside.

Mommy and Son

Here Braysen was introduced to Baby Einstein for the first time. An instant hit.

This is how we spent Friday afternoon. It was so nice and relaxing. When dinner time came around we all went to Pei Wei. Afterwards Jenny and I were thrilled to be right next door to a HUGE Joann's! In case you don't know Joann's is like a Hobby Lobby. It has tons of fabric, patterns, thread, etc. We both bought us a few fun things for projects we have going on.

Don't we look excited?!?!

I wasn't the only one in our family who got a little something. Josh found himself a Motown CD.

Todd and Josh enjoyed listening to the CD.
When we got back to Laura and Brad's, Laura had dessert waiting on us.

Oh so good! Diet...what diet?


Jenny and Braysen before we left to head home

Life long friends. The sweater I wore makes me look 200 lbs. What on earth was I thinking!??

Macy...Laura's other child.

Cute Family

By the time we were about to leave Josh was ready to hold
Braysen. Josh LOVES children but sometimes babies scare him a little.

Giving him a kiss

Trying to pose him for the camera.
What a wonderful time we had with you Laura, Brad, and Braysen. We'll have to do it again soon!!!
After we left their house we headed to
IKEA!! I had never been to one so I was THRILLED!

I told Josh when we have kids we're going to haul a trailer to Dallas and go shopping. There was so much great stuff. We got a few things but not many. After shopping at
Ikea we worked up an appetite and went to Cheesecake Factory. Our lunch was great but our dessert was even better.

Red Velvet Cheesecake. WOW! I shared it with Josh. Aren't I nice?
We did stop by the outlet malls in Allen before heading home. What a great weekend we had. We have such great friends and I'm so very thankful for them. After two weekends of traveling though Josh and I are staying home this next weekend.