Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quiet Time

Let me be real for a second, I struggle with having a consistent quiet time. I know, I know, its bad. I have so many friends that it comes so naturally for. They can sit down in the word, get focused, and hear an amazing word from the Lord. I know God is ABLE to do that with me but more often than not I hold Him up. The truth is I "think" I do better with a quiet time if I have a Bible study book or a guide to keep me focused. I can think back to the times I've had the most spiritual growth and it's been when I've been in women's bible studies at church. I do much better with accountability!! When I was in Fayetteville my church had a women's bible study going on all the time and I loved it. I didn't have to be anywhere else so I could always go. Since I've gotten married and moved things have changed. Although my church has always offered bible studies I usually had another committment with the youth and coudn't attend. At first it wasn't a big deal but then I started getting depressed about it. I needed and wanted a women's bible study. Thank goodness God knows what we need!!! Last year a friend of mine at church felt led to start a new bible study and it was going to be at a time I could actually go. Well, I'd be missing a youth activity but Josh and I agreed I needed this.

Our last bible study was a lot of fun and I was so sad when it ended. We didn't start a new one right away and I let myself get into a quiet time rut. I used to think it was hard to find time when I was single and then I got married. Wow. I feel like I'm never really alone (especially in a tiny apartment) so I struggle. And now that I'm about to add a baby to the mix I can't even imagine how hard it will be. I really want to get back into a good, consistent, habit of daily spending time in the word. It's vital and I can feel it when I don't. Lucky for me our bible study group is back up and running. I'm so excited about our new study...and a little nervous.

I'm nervous because when you open up to God you never know what He's going to ask of you!! And then Satan likes nothing more than to torment you when you're seeking the truth. I pray this study speaks to me in a real way. I hope to share some of it with you as I journey through it.


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I'm with you! I need that bible study accountability! Hope your study is awesome. :)

Jennifer said...

I am exactly the same way. Just last week I pulled out a Bible study that I hadn't finished all of the days of, just because I can stay focused better this way than "randomly picking verses"

Ashley E. said...

What church do you go to?