It is hard to believe 2013 has gone and we are now in 2014. How is that possible? 2013 was really good to us. Luckily I had my trusty camera (phone) to capture some of our best moments.

We actually found out we were pregnant in late 2012 but we kept it a secret until we knew the gender.

It was hard to wait to announce but so much fun. Another sweet girl was on the way!

We bought a house in March with a back yard and a swing. This was a dream come true for us. We were tired of apartment living and prayed for a yard for our babies.

We didn't move in until late May because there was lots of work to be done.

We spent lots of time and money trying to get things to our liking.
So thankful for good help in the process and...

...for Home Depot always having what we needed.

During the house process we celebrated Sadie turning TWO.

So hard to believe my baby was already two.

She had a "balloon" themed party.

It was so much fun and she loved it.

I loved it too!

Josh graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Semimary in May.

He had worked so hard for a long time and finally made it.

I am proud of all the hard work he put in to receive his diploma.

When we moved into our new house Sadie moved into a big girl bed.

The first night was rough. She cried and I cried. She did great after that though and has been such a big girl since the transition.

On July 10 I took this picture before heading to the hospital to be induced. Sophie Lee would be joining us shortly.

At 4:35pm she made her appearance and changed our hearts forever.

She was a tad upset at first but

then she decided she liked her new home.

My two girls.


I hope they are friends forever.

Sadie started dance in September. I wasn't sure she was ready but boy was I wrong! She loves it and has done so well.

Sadie learned to use the potty like a big girl. She has done great! I wasn't sure how she would do but she handled it like a champ.

Sadie started "school" this year. She has always gone with me to work but this year she is in a real class learning to do lots of fun things.

She loves Mrs. Jennifer and Mr. Wayne.

I'm amazed at all the things she has learned this year already.

She has such a good time with her friends at school.

Sadie had her first dance recital in December. She said she loves being on stage. No surprise to anyone. It was so much fun watching my little lady dance in front of all those people.

The year ended with lots of fun Christmas activities. The girls got to see Santa,

go to Garvan Woodland Gardens,

and match. :) I loved dressing my girls in matching clothes throughout the holidays. It makes me happy.
They make me happy.
God has been so good to my little family this year. I'm so thankful for the blessings and provisions that I do not deserve.
Here's to 2014...