I have a lot of pictures from our Thanksgiving vacation to the beach but the likelihood of me getting them off my camera any time soon is slim. For now here are pics from my phone. We had a great time!

The condo was perfect. Sadie picked out her spot right away. She loved sliding off the bottom.

She wasn't happy we wouldn't let her stick her arms and legs through the balcony railing. Bless her heart. Mean momma and daddy.

The views were amazing. Every view, inside and out, was of the ocean.

Breakfast with a view.

The first morning it was pretty cool but the weather ended up being perfect for the week.

Sadie was obsessed with the sand and water.

She had no fear. This was her 3rd vacation to the beach (lucky little lady) and by far her favorite as far as the sand and ocean are concerned.

My parents let us (and my sister) enjoy dinner one night without the kids. It was heavenly.

Happy girl in her happy place.

All week Sadie asked for cake so I made her cupcakes.

No Orange Beach vacation is complete without a trip to Tacky Jack's.

Sadie loved playing all week with her cousins.

Thanksgiving Day was wonderful.

I had quite the view while enjoying my yummy Cracker Barrel lunch.

The day-after-Thanksgiving tradition continues. The kids received Christmas pjs and Christmas books.

Enjoying her last day on the beach.
I hope to do another post with real pictures but I think you can tell what a blast we had at the beach. It's our home away from