March 13, 2012

Sadie Lady, you are eleven months old and this is how you like to handle your photo sessions these days.

Getting your picture isn't as easy as it used to be.
How on earth are you 11 months old? You aren't my tiny little baby anymore.

You sure are pretty though!
Here are a few things you have going on this month:
-You wear size 12 month clothes and a size 4 diaper
-I don't know how much you weigh but I'm guessing around 23 lbs
-You still get 4 bottles of formula but we are working on replacing one of those with a sippy cup of milk. Thank goodness you like milk.
-You don't eat a lot but you aren't picky at all. This month you have shown your love for turnip greens. You choose them over anything else on your plate. You still love anything with cheese and blueberries.
-You have had peanut butter and jelly and you like it a lot too.
-You now have 4 teeth and are working on 2 more. My biggest complaint with teething is that you wake up around 6:30.
-You are all over the place. You aren't walking but you are cruising everywhere and standing on your own for a split second.
-I know I say this every month but this month you have stepped it. You talk ALL THE TIME. It is a mouthful of gibberish. You have complete conversations with yourself. People tell me all the time how amazed they are that you "talk" so much.
-You have added "blueberry" to your list of words as well as "Patsie" (this is her Sunday school teacher) and you have perfected "big dog." People don't believe me that you can say blueberry but it is true. I have it on video.
-You say "me-me-me" when you want to be held, want me to give you a toy or a bite of food, or whatever.
-You smile all the time. You spend most of your day happy, laughing and playing. When we are out in public you smile at everyone we see. I love it when people say, "She's such a happy baby!" because it is true. You really are.
-There is a small part of your day, however, that is filled with a very high pitched scream and a few fits. I'm not a fan of either. You are full of personality and it is so sweet but I'm afraid you're going to be a little strong willed as well.
-You love Patty-Cake, Zaccheus, If You're Happy and You Know It.
-You LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance. When music starts you open up your mouth in amazement and start breaking it down. I can say "shake your booty" and you shake it.
-You love to play with your books, Violet, your babies, your push/walking toy, and boxes.
-You are still obsessed with babies. You get so excited when you see one. I think you forget that you are a baby too.
-You would love it if I let you play with cords, the fire place, wall outlets, the toilet paper roll, the diaper champ, etc.
-You LOVE Jules. When your Jules is around you prefer her over me. :) It doesn't hurt my feelings though because I am thankful you love her. She is very good to you.
-You've also become a daddy's girl. You cry when he puts you down or gives you to me. Luckily I know you love your momma so I don't mind. You're a lucky little girl to have so many people who love you.
Sadie, no matter how old you are or how big you get you will always be my pretty baby. It has been a lot of fun watching your little personality develop. You aren't always easy but it is great seeing you learn and explore new things. I love that you'll put your head on my shoulder or give me a hug. It makes me want to freeze time and keep you like this forever. Your daddy and I thank God for blessing us with you. We don't deserve you but we're thankful. We love you, little lady!