This post is almost a week late and I hardly have any pictures to share BUT I thought I'd share what I do have. Last weekend Josh and I along with my dad headed out of town for the Arkansas-Ole Miss game. I had told Josh earlier in the day that after the game on Saturday I wanted to stop at Dixie Cafe (I really wanted Cracker Barrel but Josh doesn't really like it for lunch or dinner) so I could get some home cookin'. I actually have been craving Thanksgiving dinner. Lucky for us when we were discussing options for dinner while on the road my dad suggests Dixie Cafe. Absolutely. I was thrilled with excitement. I was even more excited when I found out I could get this...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Go Hogs, Beat the Bears
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1:29 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Fried Potatoes
Well for those of you who read my previous post you know that one of the foods I've been craving recently is fried potatoes. I have REALLY been wanting them. Wouldn't you know my sweet mother called me Monday afternoon and asked if Josh and I had plans for dinner. Luckily we didn't. She then went on to tell me she was going to "fry some potatoes" and my heart skipped a beat. She made several other yummy things as well. And she's even sweeter because she had a pan of them for us to eat for dinner and then a big bowl for me to take home. She's a keeper!
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4:08 PM
Monday, October 25, 2010
15 Weeks
I don't plan on doing weekly pregnancy pictures with all the same stats. But I do want to post a few from time to time to to remember the process. Although I'm not sure I'll ever forget it. :)
Here I am at 15 weeks. The baby is the size of an avocado or about 4-5 inches.
- This picture was taken before heading the Arkansas-Ole Miss game. I had just read that the baby can now hear my voice. What better way to break in the baby's ears than with some loud cheering for my favorite team?!?
- Unfortunately I am still sick. I have to take a zofran every day. I stopped taking phenegran at night, although sometimes I need it, just to help "other systems" from having more problems than they already have.
- In the last couple of weeks my gag reflex has kicked in big time. At the end of brushing my teeth, I gag. If I put anything in my mouth (pen, retainers, water bottles, etc) for any length of time, I gag. If I see something that makes me think of something gross, I gag. And of course if I smell something bad, I gag. It's really annoying because I do it at inappropriate times. It's real attractive.
- I thought that after the first trimester you weren't supposed to get up in the middle of the night as often to go to the bathroom. Well apparently my bladder didn't get the memo. I still get up at least 2, usually 4 times a night. Makes for some nice sleep.
- Chick-fil-A is still not on any of my menus. The thought of it makes me want to vomit. And that makes me want to cry. I miss it so much.
- Luckily I DO NOT have an aversion to asiago cheese bagels from Panera. In fact I'm ashamed to admit I've eaten one 5 mornings out of the last 8.
- Sweetarts are my lifeline. They really help the nausea. Thank you, Lord, for sweetarts!
- I plan to buy a couple of exercise DVDs for pregnant women because I'm in desperate need of some exercising. Two words, back fat. GROSS!! I am interested in the Denise Austin one because it is made up of 20 minute workouts which seems to be more feasible right now. Do any of you have any suggestions?
- I would really like some homemade chocolate chip cookies, some homemade fried potatoes, and some fried rice right now. I just can't get anyone to make them for me!
- We have our 16 week appointment next week and a Baby Views appointment to try and determine the sex of the baby. I'm so excited but I'm very nervous. I just want a healthy baby. Fear is trying hard to take root in my heart right now but I'm praying against it.
- Although there are lots of things that are crazy and unpleasant about being pregnant, I'm beyond thankful to endure all of it!! I'm blessed. And I pray that all of my friends, both in real life and on the blogs (and twitter) who long to be pregnant that God will give you the desires of your heart.
Posted by
10:49 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies
- Red Velvet Cake Mix
- 2 eggs
- 1 stick of butter
- 1 lb powdered sugar
- 1 stick of butter
- 8 oz cream cheese
Mix the cake mix, eggs, and 1 stick of butter together. Spoon onto a cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.
For the icing, mix the powdered sugar, cream cheese, and other stick of butter together.
After the cookies have cooled spoon icing in between two cookies. ENJOY!
How easy was that?? And so yummy. You could make them big or small. They'd be perfect for the holidays or perhaps a Razorback football tailgate. Whatever. If you decide to try them let me know what you think. I should warn you they are rich and not for the faint of heart. If you're not serious about desserts I suggest you leave these to the professionals.
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4:38 PM
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Cover It Up
Anyone who knows me knows that I like to buy things cheap. I used to not be this way. I used to think I had to have the best brand of everything. That quickly changed once I got a job and had to spend my own money. I soon realized that there are some things you can spend way less on and still get a good product. Makeup for me is one example. When I first started wearing makeup I used Clinique. I felt really cool that I had nice makeup. Then I transitioned into some other expensive brand because I liked the powder foundation. Next, of course, I tried Bare Minerals like the rest of the world. I really liked it I just didn't like buying it. Eventually I gave up and went to Walmart. Let me just tell you that there are several lines of great makeup at Walmart that are just good as the name brand items. The only problem with Walmart is that there isn't somewhere there to tell you what you need to put on and where. That really wasn't a big deal to me because I just figured it out as I went.
Once the time came for me to get married I REALLY wanted some nice makeup that I knew would look good and would last all day. And of course I wanted it to look great for pictures. So a few weeks before my bridal portraits I went to Glo in Fayetteville. My friend Elizabeth owns it and I knew she wouldn't let me wear anything ridiculous on my wedding day. She ended up setting me up with all things Laura Mercier. After all it was for my wedding so why not splurge?! And my sweet parents were paying for it. Anyway, I loved all the makeup and the look. It wore great and lasted forever. Once things started to run out I had a decision to make. Was I going to spend all of the money in my cosmetic envelope (Thank you, Dave Ramsey) and replenish it or was I going to go back to Walmart?! Well, I compromised. There are a few things I had such as powder foundation and blush that I liked just as well as my Walmart items. There were a couple things however that I couldn't live without.
I've ALWAYS had a hard time finding concealer I like. It would either not cover anything or cake under my eye. I use it for my dark circles (and now for the dark spot above my lips brought on my hormones. I affectionately refer to it as my 'stache). After I used the concealer from Laura Mercier I was hooked. There was no way, if I could help it, I would ever leave it.This stuff is wonderful. It's really light and goes on super smooth. I feel like it covers everything I need it to without having to put a bunch on. And the color is perfect. If I'm tan or not tan it still seems to match. My only complaint is that it's a little "wet" after you put it on. Fortunately my next favorite product is a the cure for it.

This is the brigthening powder. I love this stuff too. I put it on over my concealer and it instantly make my eyes look refreshed. And even when I use the concealer for my 'stache I used this as well. It helps to set it but it also makes it look natural and not like I was "trying" to cover something up.
Seriously, these are the only two splurge makeup items I use at the moment. Everything is either something already in my drawer (a free gift usually) or something I have bought at Walmart or another drug store. Every paycheck I put a little money in my cosmetic envelope so that I can buy these things guilt free. If you're looking for a concealer I highly recommend you trying this one. It's the best one I've ever used and trust me I've used a lot! And no, no one is paying me to say all of this. And I didn't get any of these products for free (however that'd be great) but I just love them so much I wanted to share.
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1:08 PM
Monday, October 18, 2010
Weekend Fun
Since my parents were out of town for Josh's birthday on Friday they took us to dinner to celebrate it. Josh loves Gaucho's so that's where we went. It was sooooo good! Oh my word. But I ate way too much food!
After a few more errands we went back to their house to watch the game. Dad watched it upstairs in "the hole" and I watched it downstairs.
Posted by
1:09 PM
Friday, October 15, 2010
Remembering Reese
August 13, 2009 Reese Catherine Rowe went to be with Jesus. I remember the day she was born and the day she went to Heaven just like it was yesterday. It was such a surreal time and I hope I never forget it. Reese will always be very special to me. Her amazing momma and one of my best friends, Katie, wanted to help us all honor her today. Today, October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. And to celebrate Reese, Katie, had t-shirts made for us to wear.
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7:37 AM
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Quiet Time
Let me be real for a second, I struggle with having a consistent quiet time. I know, I know, its bad. I have so many friends that it comes so naturally for. They can sit down in the word, get focused, and hear an amazing word from the Lord. I know God is ABLE to do that with me but more often than not I hold Him up. The truth is I "think" I do better with a quiet time if I have a Bible study book or a guide to keep me focused. I can think back to the times I've had the most spiritual growth and it's been when I've been in women's bible studies at church. I do much better with accountability!! When I was in Fayetteville my church had a women's bible study going on all the time and I loved it. I didn't have to be anywhere else so I could always go. Since I've gotten married and moved things have changed. Although my church has always offered bible studies I usually had another committment with the youth and coudn't attend. At first it wasn't a big deal but then I started getting depressed about it. I needed and wanted a women's bible study. Thank goodness God knows what we need!!! Last year a friend of mine at church felt led to start a new bible study and it was going to be at a time I could actually go. Well, I'd be missing a youth activity but Josh and I agreed I needed this.
Our last bible study was a lot of fun and I was so sad when it ended. We didn't start a new one right away and I let myself get into a quiet time rut. I used to think it was hard to find time when I was single and then I got married. Wow. I feel like I'm never really alone (especially in a tiny apartment) so I struggle. And now that I'm about to add a baby to the mix I can't even imagine how hard it will be. I really want to get back into a good, consistent, habit of daily spending time in the word. It's vital and I can feel it when I don't. Lucky for me our bible study group is back up and running. I'm so excited about our new study...and a little nervous.
I'm nervous because when you open up to God you never know what He's going to ask of you!! And then Satan likes nothing more than to torment you when you're seeking the truth. I pray this study speaks to me in a real way. I hope to share some of it with you as I journey through it.
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1:30 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friends Through It All
I try not to make every blog post these days about pregnancy. But the reality is, I'm pregnant, and there are some things I want to document for the sake of remembering. One of the best things about this pregnancy is that I've been able to share it with two of my best friends.
Here's Jenny at 12 weeks (she's almost 18 weeks now)
These two girls are two of my best friends and I'm so honored to be able to share this with them. They are both pregnant with their second child and their due dates are days apart. They have been the biggest help. Kelly and Jenny were actually the first to know I was pregnant. In fact they knew that I "might" be pregnant even before I took a test (or 5 tests). Because they've both been down this road before I have sent them countless texts and emails with "is this normal" questions. And because they are both 4 weeks ahead of me I get to see what I have to look forward to. To be honest I don't know what I'd do without them (and my friend Laurie who has had several phone conversations with me, sharing her own stories, to ease my fears). The thing that has stuck with me the most is something Jenny said. When I started sharing my symptoms early on she told me that pregnancy is like having aliens take over your body. Boy was she right!!! Anyway, I'm just so very thankful to have these girls around to give me advice. I certainly need it. God timed everything perfectly! He tends to do that!
So far we know that Jenny is having a boy. Kelly and I have yet to find out but it won't be long! I have my suspiscions but we will wait and see!
I should also add that I'm lucky to share this experience with a few Twitter/Blogger friends. It makes this whole process so much more fun!
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2:13 PM
Monday, October 11, 2010
Birthday Weekend
As you know Josh turned 30 this past Saturday. My parents were going to be out of town so they sent Josh's gift with me early. Thursday night I talked him into opening it.

Friday after work we headed to see Josh's mom so he could spend some of his birthday with family. We met her for dinner and then a trip to Walmart. Good times. :) After that we spent the evening catching up. Saturday morning we woke up and did the same thing. Josh had his Saturday morning coffee in a special mug. I didn't realize what it said until later and he told me he picked that one on purpose. I bet you can guess why...
Posted by
1:59 PM
Saturday, October 9, 2010
It's the Big...
I hope your 30th year is your best year yet. You're such a great husband and a wonderful friend. I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I hope this is just one of many more birthdays we'll get to spend together. I love you lots. You're my favorite!
Posted by
8:00 AM
Friday, October 8, 2010
Tennessee Family
Over the past two weeks I've had the privilege of seeing my grandparents in Tennessee. They stopped in Little Rock before heading to Branson for a week so we were able to see them on the front and back ends of their trip. Josh and I really enjoyed spending some time with them.
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9:00 AM
Thursday, October 7, 2010
New Look, Sewing Orders, It's a Boy!
- First of all check out my new blog design!!! My good friend (we've never actually met but since when does that matter?!?!) Tricia has done it again. I told her I wanted a new look and let her decide what she thought would look best. She knows what I like, which is basically everything she does. I am loving this new look. It's a little different from the style I had before but still so me. I keep clicking on my blog just to look at it again and again. Thanks, Tricia! You rock!!!
- For those of you who e-mailed me about two weeks ago but have yet to hear back from me, I apologize beyond apologize. I've just not been feeling well enough to even think about responding. Having said that my goal is to get back to each one of you by next week sometime (since I'm finally feeling a little better). Thanks for your patience! I don't deserve it.
- For those of you who have already "ordered" something from me it is coming. I feel like I can finally sit down at my sewing machine again and I will start doing that next week. I also thank you for your patience. I've been so blessed by the most patient, understanding, gracious "customers."
- And last but not least, IT'S A BOY!! No, no, I'm not talking about myself! :) I'm talking about one of my BFF's, Jenny . She is having a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luke William will be here in March and I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11:52 AM
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
12 Week Appointment
Monday was my 12 week appointment. As always I was VERY nervous before hand. It's weird though because once they call my name back my nerves usually go away. Josh went with me for this appointment because we knew we'd hear the heartbeat and at our last appointment she said she'd do another ultrasound "just for fun." I was concerned though that when the time came she wouldn't remember about the US. There wasn't really a need for it other than we couldn't really get a good picture the last time because the baby was so small.
When my doctor came into the exam room we pretty much immediately went for the heartbeat. It took her a while to find it so I was a little nervous. Once she did though it was amazing. There's nothing like hearing that sound. Wow. She let us listen for a while and then she seemed to be dismissing us. I quickly spoke up and reminded her that she said we could take a peek at baby. She didn't even hesitate so we all headed back to the US room. Have I mentioned that I love my doctor? :)
When the ultrasound began it didn't take long to see the baby...a very active baby. Oh. My. Word. This child was so funny. It would not sit still. It was moving and a shaking. At one point it stuck out its little booty (we could tell because we could see the spine). Josh and I had the best time watching it move its arms and legs. It even did a little push up. :) I'm so amazed at how developed this baby is at 12 weeks. TWELVE WEEKS!! I think everyone woman should be required by law to have an US and see the baby before she opts for an abortion. I won't get off on that right now because I have a feeling there's a separate post coming for that. So for now, back to the appointment.
Josh and I loved getting to see our little baby and all the activity going on. At one point the Dr. said, "You're in for it" because if the baby was this active in the womb there's no telling how it will be once we bring it home. Our doctor took some close up pictures so I thought I'd share them. To most of you they won't look like much of anything. Plus I was running short on time and couldn't add an arrows to point out the parts.

The Alien Face
The Arms

- I started getting "morning sickness" around 6 weeks. I would be really nauseous but never throw up. It started out being mid morning and early evening then it quickly progressed to 24/7. I have zofran for the days and phenegran for night. Last week was so bad that nothing helped. I was so sick all day long. At our appointment I told my doctor it was probably motion sickness from the baby moving so much. Luckily though the last two days have been better. I don't think it's completely over but I think I can make it.
- My friend Jenny told me that when I was pregnant I would stop liking the things I love. I told her I could never not like cupcakes. Well, wouldn't ya know, I don't like them. I've eaten them a couple times out of denial but every time they make me sick. And now the thought of one grosses me out. Another sad food aversion...Chick-fil-A. *GASP* I know. It's awful but I DO NOT LIKE IT! The thought of it makes me gag. I can't wait to have it again one day.
- I'm all about pizza. I could eat it every meal. I don't know what it is about it. Oh and the only kind I really want is pepperoni or just cheese. I don't want anything else.
- Demons have possessed my digestive system. I won't go into details except to say that every part of the digestion systems has been tampered with and doesn't work properly.
- I can't stand water! I used to only drink water but now in order for me to drink it it has to be super cold and even then I don't like it.
- I got to the bathroom about 4 times during the night. I can't sleep well at all because of it.
- I dream CRAZY things but I can't ever remember them when I wake up. Its throughout the day that I'll remember parts of them and they are weird.
- Just this week my allergies and stuffy nose have really kicked into high gear. All of a sudden in the middle of the day I can't breathe. Then it will be fine then it will stop up again soon. Weird.
- I'm having a hard time sleeping on my side. I have a big pillow I use to help but I always wake up on my stomach or back. At least I'm up a lot going to the bathroom so I can adjust.
That's about all of the craziness I can think of for now. I will add more if anything comes to me. I'm just so thankful that right now everything is just fine. This baby is such a blessing to me. Even though it makes me sick and does weird things to my body I wouldn't change a thing. I'm blessed. I don't deserve it but I'm thankful.
Posted by
4:58 PM