Whew!! What a weekend!! It has been a crazy past couple of days. Friday night Josh and I went to my parents house so we could do our laundry and watch The Biggest Loser from this past Tuesday. Recently, as mentioned earlier on this blog, my parents got a Wii and Wii Fit. My dad was the only one who had even tried it out so the rest of us decided it was time to get set up ourselves. Mom was the first to go for it. Dad had to give her a lesson on how to navigate through it all. She's not a fan of technology.

She's learning.

Here she is doing her balance test.

Josh was doing some work while patiently waiting on his turn. After Josh and my mom got set up I decided to wait until the morning. After all you weigh the least in the mornings. Not to mention, I didn't want an audience around when my BMI and weight popped up on the screen. They are a lot braver than I am.

Here's dad giving us a tutorial on the free run. Looks like we're about to go through the tunnel. Side note: check out my cute socks in the bottom of the picture!!
As you can tell we had a great time hanging with the "rents" Friday night. I went over early Saturday morning and got myself set up for Wii Fit. I'm proud to announce that my Wii Fit age is 28!!!!! This is great because I'm actually 29. And because everyone else was about 20 years older than they really are. I'm not going to get too proud though because it has everything to do with balance. But if I'm gonna have a yucky BMI then at least I can have good balance.
Saturday morning started EARLY! I woke up at 6:30 and headed to my parents then to pick up
Panera for breakfast. After that it was on to hurry and get ready and scoot along to a birthday party for one of my favorite two year
Benjamin turned two on Friday. We were at the party about 10 minutes before Josh joined in on the fun.

Yes, that's my husband in the tents with the kids.

Here's the birthday boy in his super cute birthday hat his talented mommy made.

He's ready for the cupcake!

Check out the AWESOME cake Ben's Pippi (Jenny's mom) made!! She's so talented. The best part about what she makes is that not only are they cute they are delicious!

Here are the cute favor bags Jenny made to match his hat. Love them. I'm totally copying!

Ben got lots of really neat toys. He wasn't sure which one he liked best.

Terrible picture of me but had to take one with my friend Jenny. She's become my partner in crime these days!
After Ben's party we raced home so I could finish up on a baby shower gift, ran a couple of errands, got lunch, and headed out of town to Lamar to see Josh's family. Josh's cousin and his wife are expecting their second baby in April so I went down to attend her baby shower.

Ronette...soon-to-be mom of two. She's having a little girl, Emerysn Reese.

I made these for her. I also got her some Trumpette socks. Or whatever their called. I have LOVED them on my friends babies and just had to get some for Emersyn.
After the shower we learned that Josh's grandmother had been admitted to the hospital again (had been in one all week and was released earlier that day). We, along with his other cousins, headed over there. At this point she is stable but they are still trying to figure out what's going on. After waiting a while a few of us decided to take a dinner break and headed to South Park. It's a southern truck stop at its finest but it sure is good!

Sorry the picture is blurry.

Amy (also expecting #2 in Sept), Ronette, Nathan (Ronette's husband and Josh's cousin)

Tanner (Amy's husband; Josh's cousin), Josh, Me
After dinner we headed back to the hospital to check on everyone before driving back to Little Rock. I hated the circumstances but it was really nice spending more time with Josh's family. We don't get to see them that often.
After a short night's sleep Josh and I were busy all morning and afternoon at church with a youth luncheon and now it looks like its about time for me to head back up there. Wow! It's been a great weekend but I'm exhausted. And someone STOLE an hour of my sleep. The nerve.