I'm back!!! Oh what a glorious time! The wedding was pretty much perfect and the honeymoon was divine. Thank you for your sweet comments! I'm going to do my best to capture some of the wedding festivities with pictures. CAUTION: A VERY long post!!!!
When: September 19, 2008
Where: The Lodge at Mt. Magazine, Paris, AR
Colors: Green apple, black, and white
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting my nails and toes done.

Shannon getting hers done too!

Dinner at the Lodge

View from our cabin at Mt. Magazine

Relaxing in the hot tub

Mom and Dad

Shannon helping to fill the bags for our hotel guests

All ready to go!

Gifts for my bridesmaids and friends
Thursday, September 18, 2008

After breakfast Shannon and I took a hike up to the tallest point in Arkansas.

At the County Clerks Office getting our license
In front of the Lodge

Josh getting the sound set up for rehearsal

Setting up the tea lights
Before the rehearsal

The bag piper came to the rehearsal and played through all the music. He did a fantastic job.

Me and Katie

Me, Kelly...and Harper!
Rehearsal Dinner
The rehearsal dinner was at a pavilion on top of the mountain. The weather was wonderful and the food was great. We had a really good time. The ladies did such a great job getting everything set up.

Josh's family...my new family.

My family...Josh's new family.

Me and Holly

Justin and Holly...aren't they cute?

Josh and I...aren't we cute? :)

Josh's grandparents

Two Groomsmen (Josh's Cousins) and their families.

Brenda, Linda, and Dianne. COULD not have had the wedding without them. They did so much to help us and I'm so very thankful!! Thanks again, y'all!

Uncle Dale and Dad

Tracey and Laura. Laura was my "go-to" person the entire weekend. She made sure everything ran smoothly and she did a great job. She also helped me plan the wedding along the way. Her husband Tracey was a big help as well. Thanks you guys!

Shannon and Mike. Mike performed our ceremony and did a WONDERFUL job! His wife Brooke wasn't able to make it to the rehearsal. They were the ones who did our marriage counseling and taught us everything they know. :)

More groomsmen...Brad and Jesse

Even more groomsmen...Josh's cousins, Ashley and Logan

Ashley and Holly. Ashley was also a HUGE help! I put her in charge of a lot of things on the day of the wedding and she came through big time. Thanks, Ashley!

Jean jacket girls!
Lingerie Shower

Soon after we got back to the cabin after the rehearsal I received this beautiful bouquet from my florist! He did such a good job! All the flowers for the wedding and reception were perfect!

Kelly brought these great petit fours for my lingerie shower. Thanks, Kelly! You're the best!

My friends and family got me so many great things! I love them all!
Friday, September 19, 2008

Rise and Shine!
Bridesmaids Breakfast

The Bridesmaid's breakfast was at my mom's cabin. Again, the ladies did a great job setting everything up and preparing the food. It was perfect!

My friend Holly got me this gown to wear. Isn't she nice?

My beautiful bridesmaids!!

Linda, Brenda, Mom, Laura, Dianne

My friend Megan came all the way from Winston-Salem, NC to be with me on my wedding day! Thanks, Megs!!!!

Hanging outside, enjoying the view.
Time to get ready!

Emily is getting started on my hair.

Rollers in!

Rollers out! Yikes!

Holly putting makeup on Heather.

Ashley putting makeup on Holly.
Before the wedding!

Mine and Katie's friends, Jenny and Laura. I'm so glad they were able to be there. They are very special to me!!

It's complete...the four of us are now all married. We've been in each other's weddings and had our picture taken at each one. Kelly has them all on display at her house. I need to do the same!
Pictures before the wedding
Josh and I opted to see each other before the wedding so that we could get all our pictures done. It was such a good idea! Seeing him made my nerves ease up. Not to mention we were able to go straight to the reception after the ceremony.

Bride and Groom

The wedding party. My friend Ashley took this picture and I LOVE it. Black and white photo with green flowers.

My family.

I really like this picture too!

You may kiss the bride. Woohoo!!!

Guest book table. They put my portrait in the reception room before the ceremony because it was at the guest book table by mistake.

Some of the tables at green apples for centerpieces the others had flower arrangements. It was so pretty!

Punch Buffet

Cutting the cupcake. We didn't have a groom's cake but had candy instead...turtles, carmels, fudge, gourmet peanut butter cups, etc. I'm sorry I don't have a picture!

Gettin' jiggy wid'it.
We had a photo booth at the wedding which was a lot of fun! I'm supposed to get those pictures e-mailed to me so when I do I will share some.

See ya later!
We had the best weekend!!! Everything was perfect! Well, the only thing that went wrong is that no one took programs. Not sure why but we have a ton of them left. I'm so thankful though! Of all the things to go wrong that was very minor. The LORD blessed us throughout the whole weekend and we're truly blessed. We just got back from Hawaii yesterday. I hope to post pictures from our trip soon!