Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Try It. You'll Like It

Starting solids has been quite the adventure with our new eater. It hasn't gone quite like I thought it would.

About a month ago we went for Sadie's 4 month well visit appointment. Her pediatrician told us to go ahead and get her going on solids. I was planning on holding off a few more weeks but decided we might as well give it a shot. Plus a reflux medicine she was about to start taking would require solid food so we needed to get going.

I decided we'd start the process with cereal. She had been getting cereal in her last bottle so I figured she'd be used to the taste. The following pictures pretty much sum up how her first solid food experience went.

She wasn't so sure about this new food. She ate it but she didn't really like. Night two she decided she just wouldn't eat it and so she didn't. Since cereal wasn't her favorite I tried oatmeal instead. She didn't like that either. If I didn't need her to start liking something for the sake of her medicine I would have just stuck with the cereals for a while. Instead we moved to peas. Let me just tell you this girl LOVES peas. She prefers them over everything, including fruit. That's right, my child does not like fruit (or fruit juice unless it is diluted). I guess it is too sweet for her. Having had only her nasty formula I imagine it does taste really sweet. She will eat cereal with fruit as long as I don't get too much fruit in there. She doesn't really like green beans either and carrots aren't her favorite. We'll be moving onto squash, sweet potatoes, and more fruit soon. For now she's so happy I came back to peas.


Ashley said...

Cute sweet girl! I love that second to last picture. Ha! : )

Bethany said...

You'll never regret those pictures of her first food experience! Aren't the faces she makes priceless? Introducing solids is so much fun.

I hope you get everything straightened out w/ her tummy very soon. Bristol wouldn't take 3oz of her 5oz bottle tonight and left almost an oz in each of her two afternoon bottles. Not sure what's up, but I'm assuming teeth....

Michelle said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That is the MOST adorable baby! You will see a lot more of these sweet/funny little faces as she adds more items to her diet! Enjoy every moment! My "sweet little boy" will be celebrating his 18th birthday next month....and I have no idea where the time has gone. Thanks for sharing!

Becca said...

Your little one is so stinkin' cute!!

Becca said...

Your little one is so stinkin' cute!

Cindy said...

We have to start this soon and I am trying to hold off as long as possible. I figure since they were 6 weeks early we are ok, but I know I need to in the next few weeks. Let me know if you have any other pointers!
Are you making or buying?

Rachel said...

What reflux med is she on? My little guy has it but I was told all acid meds have to be given on an empty stomach 30-60 mins before a meal. I would prefer a med to give with foods and you give me hope!!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

she is so cute! I love all of her little faces and expressions! HM does not like plain cereal either :) Oh I still can't believe they're eating semi-solids and even solids for HM now! Such a sweet stage :)